Reworking Old Photoshop Projects
I have a plethora of creative ideas yet realizing them is not always easy. Many are the times I've make an interesting dreamscape in concept but it ends up a mess in execution. This is very much like sketching original monsters where it needs a rough draft made first. Only then can the final version be properly planned and designed.
The Weeping Clogway is a good example of this. I had the idea of willows weeping a great labyrinth of rivers held aloft by wooden pipes. This was inspired by a dream and will be featured as a location in my book Signature Ghate. You can see here how it turned out:
I'm quite pleased with this; it was a lot of work to cutout wooden pipes and layer willow leaves over them. It is a "clogway" after all. Here's the original version I mentioned:Great idea but poorly executed. The pieces were all there but fell into a jumble. Fortunately I was able to reuse many of the pipe constructs. Another part of it is I just had greater experience going into the final version. It takes time to develop an eye for arrangements like this. I'll write a post explaining the lore in the future.
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